Thursday, January 12, 2012

A Week in Blogging

After a week of Blogging I've learned SO much!

1. Blogging is not for the faint of heart! It takes time, dedication, thought, preparation for posts. I had NO idea!

2. Where to start... When planning to start a blog a few months back, I became OVERWHELMED with how to start! I decided the first step was to chose a host.  I chose to go with Blogger by Google. Its simple, easy, and allows you to use all the basics for free. I do recommend if you are thinking of blogging.
From there, I had to develop a basis of the blog--what content I wanted to publish ect...Once I got past all of this, my posts came easy =)

3.Designing the blog...I HAD to have a great design, that's what I do, right?!? Unfortunately, I have very little experience in web design, so I started from scratch. I use GIMP a lot when I want to render drawings for my design work, but when I was trying to use it to create a few things for the blog, it wasn't giving me the options I needed. Upon research I found good reviews for a free editing software called Picassa:

Not only does this software help to create boards for displaying , it lets you edit photos, create blog titles, and much more (and no, Im not getting paid to say that!) It helped to make the process of creating my blog title much easier! I plan on doing so much more with it as I move forward with the blog!

4.It was harder than I thought putting my ideas out there for everyone to view because I often wonder if I'm posting things people will want to read, and try....It took all I had to put my blog on Facebook for the first time, but then I figured, what do I have to lose? This is my PASSION, and I LOVE what I do =)

5. Coming up with ideas. I generally do NOT have a lot of time to do craft projects this time of year--unless its something for the hockey team or during my Christmas break. How am I going to keep up with the demands of having new posts and ideas...but then I realized that on a daily basis, I am always thinking of new ideas, I can always blog my ideas...whats an hour a week?

6.To advertise, or not...why not! Sign up for Ad may be worth it in the end :)

7. And lastly, blogging is another great outlet for all of these creative ideas floating through my head! I hope that I can continue to inspire all of you as I learn new ways to present my ideas (Im always open to suggestions! Feel free to share yours!)...Happy Blogging!

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